Dark Energy

What is Dark energy? What is it made up of? What is it responsible for? What is it's source? Is dark energy real? Find out the answers to these questions in this article below.

We all know about the big bang theory-the origin of the universe.
You might also know that the universe is expanding. With expanding, I mean that the galaxies are moving further apart from each other. But, there is something confusing, something that baffles the scientists- The expansion is accelerating, which is peculiar, as the universe is devoid of air, and there is supposed to be no other force or energy in space.
But still it happens. The universe is accelerating
Which means there must be some force or energy out there. This, we named, the Dark Energy.

Dark energy must be very powerful, as it has to overcome the gravitational forces that pull the galaxies together.
More than 80% of the universe is made of dark energy. This means that the 'space' as we know is not made of nothing. There should be something filling it. I have just derived you to a very famous theory.
There have been many theories about the origin of dark matter and what it is made up of, but these theories are then proved wrong and we are left with no accurate theory, and the mystery goes on and on.
If you would have researched on dark energy, you would have seen something called cosmological constant. This is a theory by Albert Einstein. According to this, empty space(vacuum) has it's own energy. This means that if I take a cup, and remove the air in it and close it with another cup such that the space inside the set-up has no air, then it has it's OWN ENERGY within it. And then if somehow I make the set-up bigger, the energy doesn't get diluted, but it increases with the volume. So, if the space is expanding, it means that it is increasing it's amount of energy and this accelerates further expansion and it goes on. But this is just one of the many unproven theories...We still do not know the truth.

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