Dark Matter
What is dark matter? What is Black matter? What is the dark matter theory all about? Is there anything out there in the universe which causes all these asteroid and volcanic attacks on earth? Is there another universe made out of something that we can never even feel? Get all these answers in this article about dark matter. This is what dark matter is presumed to look like: If you are a space fanatic like me, then you probably would know that the sun revolves around the center of the milky way galaxy, and has a pendulum-like up and down motion during it's path(this up and down pendulum like motion is represented by the green lines in the figure below.) Then, you will also know that disasters like huge volcanic eruptions and meteor attacks have led to the complete wipe-out of many species, one of them being dinosaurs. So, what's the pattern of all this? Is there any time interval between them? Is it going to happen to us humans also? Answer: I don't know