The Supernova

What comes to your mind when you think of the universe?
probably a huge number of stars in a black background..probably the sun shining on some planets..

Just after supernova, this is seen.
But the universe is a lot more than that.

The universe is very, very and very energetic and active. There is a supernova happening right now even when you are reading this article, though millions and millions of light years away!
Yes, I am now going to talk about this super energetic phenomenon - A Supernova.
A Supernova looks something like this:

So you surely do know about gravity, right?
Gravity plays a huge role in a supernova.
So these hydrogen, helium, etc. all types of molecules and gases are present in a star. The gravity of a star is intense, owing to it's huge mass. This gravity pulls these atoms and molecules close together at the nucleus of the star, and intense pressure is developed there at the center. This continues to build up over a long period of time.
And then...
The star explodes. It expands thousands of times it's original size, and suddenly, within less than a fraction of second, let's out all it's energy into the wide universe.
To let you know how much it expands, here is an example:
If our sun expands like that, then all the planets of our solar system will find themselves inside the sun, and you and I and the entire number of living organisms would have long been gone....
I hope this explains you :)

Now let's get to the energy that it releases.
The areas near(and far, as well), after receiving all those energy, defy the laws of Physics as we know.
The laws of time and space we know today are actually a pile of rubbish for those areas, and they have their own set.
This energy travels in all directions at the speed of light, far and wide (Wish that it does not reach earth..).
What is left behind is a neutron star, about which I have talked in my next article

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