What is the shortest distance from one point to the other? How can we travel extremely large distances through the universe(distances such as billions of light years)? Are wormholes possible?How can we travel through wormholes and how are they formed?
If I draw 2 points with some separation, and then I ask you to tell me the shortest path between the two points, you might say it's a straight line connecting the two points. But, if I fold the same paper in such a way that the two points are touching each other, a much shorter path is created....
If I draw 2 points with some separation, and then I ask you to tell me the shortest path between the two points, you might say it's a straight line connecting the two points. But, if I fold the same paper in such a way that the two points are touching each other, a much shorter path is created....
A wormhole, also called the Einstein-Rosen Bridge, is the theoretical(imaginary) path between two very distant points in the universe, which passes through spacetime.
(If you do not know what is spacetime, then go to: https://theuniversebeauty.blogspot.com/, and read my article on it). Wormholes are a result of the general theory of relativity.
Ludwig Famm, an Austrian Physicist, mentioned that there is one more solution to the general theory of relativity. He said that there is (theoretically) a 'white hole', which is a time reversal of a black hole.
A white hole is assumed to look like this
He also said that entrances to both black and white holes could be connected by a spacetime conduit. Then later, Einstein and Nathan Rosen said more on the idea, stating that there might be some shortcuts through the spacetime, and this came to be know as the Einstein-rosen bridge.
The whole concept of wormholes is very hypothetical.
They are very, very unstabilized, and collapse quickly enough to not allow anything to pass through them, not even light. Some solutions of general relativity show that the mouth of each of the entrances of the wormholes might be black holes. The entrances might be circular in shape, and they are known as 'mouth' of the wormhole. Thus, a wormhole as two 'mouths' , connected by the 'neck'.
They are presume to be of very small diameter, like around 10^-30 cm.
As I have mentioned before, Wormholes are highly unstable, and collapse very soon. But, theoretically, there exists something called as 'exotic matter' which can stabilize a wormhole. Exotic matter is different from dark matter or anti-matter. Exotic matter has negative energy density and a large negative pressure. Such matter has only been seen in the behavior of certain vacuum states as part of quantum field theory. So, if there is a wormhole with a lot of exotic matter in it, it may very well be stable.
Taking the size into consideration, with the universe expanding, we my expect the wormholes to expand. Next, exotic matter can make it stabilized. So, it may, after all, be possible for something to pass through a wormhole. The fact of something travelling so far in so less time is amusing. Now think of it this way, If you travel a through a wormhole, in a very shorter distance you can travel millions of light years. This means that you can travel kind of faster than light. Light will take a lot of time to travel through a huge distance out of the wormhole. But, If you use the wormhole, you can cover the same distance in much less time. This clearly implies that you have traveled faster than light. But, if you travel along with light in a wormhole, light will certainly be way faster than you.
This, again is a solution to the general relativity, and, very hypothetical. Wormholes connect not only two distant points in space, they also connect two points in Spacetime. This would mean time travel.
NO. Our present technology is not advanced enough to detect or pass through wormholes. Moreover, everything that we know about wormholes is highly hypothetical, and may even be false. Do not expect to watch in the news that "Scientists have found wormholes" for a lot of coming years. The very concept of wormholes and travelling through them needs a lot of advanced technologies, which cannot be expected in the near future. Plus, even if we have found wormholes in the coming decades, we may not be able to travel through them because of stuff like exotic matter or its size and stability.
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